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Monday, 15 March 2010

A`peculiar equality

Equality is a much abused term, favoured by a whole slew of carpetbaggers intent only on promoting their own narrowly-focused agenda. As a consequence, we get situations like the one that arose this week when two dicta from different arms of the equality octopus seemed to confound and contradict each other.

The first deals with a heinous crime - rape. The second concerns itself with the much less serious problem of equality between the sexes in a gymnasium or health club. One is of real importance but is subtly undermined by the spurious nature of the other whose only purpose is to provide added froth to the feminist agenda.

We are already familiar with the extreme feminist view that all sex is rape; or, to be more precise, all heterosexual sex is rape. Now, it appears, that this is close to becoming the official position. Any woman who has sex with a man whilst drunk can now, officially, be regarded as having been raped since, by definition, she was not in a position to provide informed consent to the act. On the other hand, should the man be in an equally catatonic condition - but not presumably have been afflicted by the dreaded brewer's droop - he cannot use this as a defence to the charge of rape. Irrespective of his alchoholic intake, he is deemed to be capable of asking for and understanding whether or not consent has been given before proceeding.

From this we can only infer that men are deemed to be the stronger sex in any situation where alchohol is involved. If both sexes were, indeed, equal it stands to reason that they would be affected by alchohol equally and, by extension, would be equally as capable of deciding whether or not they want to have sex. But, this is apparently not the official view.
Which is strange because, in the health club, total equality between the sexes is to be adhered to so rigidly that simply offering a woman a lighter set of weights to lift than a man is regarded as discriminatory.
This might give rise to an interesting dilemma in the future, given our predilection for litigation based on Health & Safety issues in this country. It is not difficult to envisage a scenario in which a petite woman is provided with a set of weights more suited to a hefty male, tears a muscle, ricks her back or otherwise damages herself and then sues the trainer and the health club for failing to follow health and safety procedures.
It would be a delicious irony if any such failure were to be cancelled out by the trainer's strict adherence to the letter of the Equalities Act.

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