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Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Misplaced identities

The loss of 25 million items of personal data should not be used as an argument against the issue of Identity Cards for all.
It merely clouds the issue.
The reason why we should not have ID cards is much simpler than that. We don'tneed them. I, you and the great massof people living in Great Britain know perfectly well who we are. Our friends, workmates and family know who we are. Judging by the frequency with which I receive communications from them so do the Tax Man, the Passport Office, the Pensions people, my bank, mortgage provider, local council, my dentist, doctor and car dealership. Ergo, ID cards are a complete and unecessary waste of time if their sole purpose is to ensure that we all know and can prove exactly who we are.
Stick to that argument and don't try to embellish it with tales of the usual government incompetence when it comes to running a databas with more than two names on it. Don't even harp on about basic freedoms from State interference. It only provides politicians and their groupies with another opportunity to bore for their constituencies.
We don't want them because we don't need them. It's as simple as that.

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